Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Dinner with Gladney Friends and the Bassinet

Mike - We had a wonderful evening (well, up until the car seat installation) with Jane & Greg and Alex! They were kind enough to bring over "the" bassinet (more on that in a bit) and, along with it, a salad, champagne, cheesecake, and lasagna that Alex made herself! (She's very talented for being one year old ;-) ). They are *almost* as thrilled as we are to welcome Baby Daniel. (Although Christy still holds the record for glass shattered over a phone line ;-) ). The bassinet was originally Christy's for Nicholas - Gladney baby number 1 in our little group here in Northern Virginia. Alex, maker of lasagna, was number 2... and Daniel will be number 3!!! (Nicholas needs a nickname to go with Alex's... how about, "Nicholas, wielder of plastic golf clubs"). We are so thrilled to have the special Gladney Northern Virginia bassinet!

Alex (and her parents) got the latest tour of the nursery. The girls drank chardonnay... except for Alex, who knocks back shots of... milk. The men drank diet Coke and Root Beer, though not combined. After a wonderful dinner, with much good conversation (and some thirsty pants), the men repaired to the garage to attempt to install car seats. Alex soon realized that she wanted to get home to some serious sleepytime... 90 minutes later, Mike was still out in the garage w/ the car seats. Turns out the Mazda's latch system is incompatible with the car seat we bought... not that Mike didn't end up sopping wet with sweat trying. So he took the contraption to Holly's car - where it docked in 5 minutes. I ended up using the seatbelt in the Mazda.

Holly had a lot of fun snuggling and kissing Alex (see photo), and really enjoyed being able to relax and enjoy our good friends. Holly says THANKS!!! to Jane and Christy for all the great baby advice. Jane confirmed that Holly has managed to buy PLENTY of nice clothes for Daniel!

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About Me

We first heard about Gladney Center for Adoption in January of 2005 when we met with Pastor Stephen and Paula. In March of 2005 we attended an orientation at Gladney in Fort Worth, Texas. We adopted Daniel on September 12, 2007! Now we are waiting for a special child to complete our family.