Friday, October 19, 2007

Uncle Juan Visits and Second Trip to Pediatrician

Holly here - Daniel made his second visit to the pediatrician today. He is a very healthy 9 week old boy weighing in at 13 lbs. 9 oz. (92%) and his height is now 24 3/4 inches (95%). Unfortunately, he had to get 4 shots and that was not fun for him or for me. He screamed during the shots but was fine afterward once I picked him up! What a brave and healthy boy! The pediatrician told us to keep feeding him as much as he wants when we wants it (which is obviously working well). Plus our doctor was impressed by how calm Daniel is and the nurse loved him b/c he is a big and happy boy with doting parents. I almost forgot to mention that we were put in the Redskins Room at our pediatrician's office. The doctors are big Redskins fans and decorated one of the rooms with Redskins colors, banners, etc. Michael was very upset that he did not have any of his Raven's clothes on (which is rather unusual for him since he wears purple Raven's clothes everywhere - apparently everything was in the laundry).

Uncle Juan is doing an Art Show in Bethesda so he came by today to visit Daniel! All babies love Uncle Juan and Daniel fell right asleep in his arms. Then Uncle Juan got some smiles later and we were all very happy to see him. We cannot wait to make it down to Florida to visit the rest of the clan - Uncle Carlos, Aunt Daphne, Cousin Kana and Jake as well as Aunt Kari and Cousins Ariana and Alex.

Michael wanted to catch up on some play time with Daniel since he was on a business trip for part of this week (he missed Daniel rolling over for the second time on Thursday). We are looking forward to some quality time with all three of us tonight (that is if Mommy and Daddy can stay awake).

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About Me

We first heard about Gladney Center for Adoption in January of 2005 when we met with Pastor Stephen and Paula. In March of 2005 we attended an orientation at Gladney in Fort Worth, Texas. We adopted Daniel on September 12, 2007! Now we are waiting for a special child to complete our family.