Thursday, November 8, 2007

Daniel Turns 12 Weeks Old Today

Just a few changes over the last 8 weeks for our precious Daniel as you can see comparing the two pictures above.

Holly here - Daniel is 12 weeks old today and has been home with us for 8 weeks! It seems like the time is just flying by as he develops. Daniel is so much fun right now b/c he smiles, coos, makes noises, laughs and loves to play with his Lamaze toys. His personality is coming out and he definitely knows what he wants to do or not do and you still know the second he is hungry (a great set of lungs). I also see him trying to sneak a peak at the football games on TV so there is hope for Michael. He is very strong and continues to roll over and can sit up in his Bumbo! We just love him more and more every day.

A bonus for us is that Daniel is sleeping through the night as long as he gets enough to eat during the day. He is such a happy baby and I am kissing him all the time. How can you resist those cheeks?

Yesterday Mary stopped by (leader of our adoption support group) to visit with Daniel! He gave her lots of smiles and fought taking his nap b/c we had company. He is a very social baby.

Today we are off to meet Rachel and Jennifer Rose for lunch. Plus Daniel might help me do some Christmas shopping. Somehow I always manage to find something for him!

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About Me

We first heard about Gladney Center for Adoption in January of 2005 when we met with Pastor Stephen and Paula. In March of 2005 we attended an orientation at Gladney in Fort Worth, Texas. We adopted Daniel on September 12, 2007! Now we are waiting for a special child to complete our family.