Sunday, July 19, 2009

Rocknoceros at 930 Club

Daniel had a fun packed Sunday! He got to ride his new bike (that we can push from behind) all the way to the park. Then Daddy and Daniel played with airplanes! We even had three other kids join in the fun.

We all went to the 930 Club this afternoon - yes the 930 Club where you go to see famous rock bands. We actually stood outside in front of the line to get into the club with the other parents and kids. They had to search our bags when we entered and realized that they were going to have to let food and drinks in for the kids. I think the 930 Club staff must have had a real kick out of this concert event.

We where there for Rocknoceros Kids Concert. We could not believe that Daniel ran right up front below the stage with all the other older kids to dance and jump around. He absolutely loved it and we were so proud that he was dancing and jumping with the other kids while Mommy and Daddy sat way back in the audience. One of the older girls lifted him up to the stage so he could see the band. This band is great for kids! He even tried to hug an older girl that stood behind us in line - so cute. Of course he also had to run around the club several times and tried to make a break for the front door.

Then we went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner as a family because Daniel was so good today. I think he ate more bread than I have every seen.

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About Me

We first heard about Gladney Center for Adoption in January of 2005 when we met with Pastor Stephen and Paula. In March of 2005 we attended an orientation at Gladney in Fort Worth, Texas. We adopted Daniel on September 12, 2007! Now we are waiting for a special child to complete our family.