Saturday, December 13, 2008


Daniel said "football" for the first time this week and Michael was very proud! Plus Daniel used sign language for "Mommy" and "please" - he just keeps saying or signing new things every week.

Unfortunately, Daniel has been running a fever several days this week. Michael took him to the doctor on Wednesday, but his lungs and ears were fine. However, Daniel spiked a 103 degree fever today so Michael took him back to the doctor while I met Marsha for lunch. As I was coming home Michael called and said meet me at the ER b/c Daniel's temperature went up to 104.9 degrees. Daniel was so warm and totally red in the face. They gave him a super dose of motrin when we arrived. Then the doctor recommended a chest X-ray (which required me and Michael to hold him still) and it turns out that Daniel had a small pneumonia and a double ear infection. The poor little guy just fell asleep on me at the ER. We finally got out around 5pm and need to keep Daniel on antibiotics and keep his fever down. He gave us a few smiles before bed and did not have a fever, so we are all feeling much better.

Update on Sunday: Daniel is doing a little better today! The fever is down which is the most important thing! Daniel managed to only take 3 ornaments off the tree today (Michael and I decorated it last night). The first ornament that he went for was a large Raven's ornament - he was fascinated with it.

Plus I have 3 snowmen (baby, Daddy and Mommy) who sing, "Oh, Christmas Tree" and Daniel keeps asking for me to push the button and play it over and over. He even tries to dance with the snowmen - it is very cute.

His Advent train is an even bigger hit this year since Daniel is now big enough to move the train all over.

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About Me

We first heard about Gladney Center for Adoption in January of 2005 when we met with Pastor Stephen and Paula. In March of 2005 we attended an orientation at Gladney in Fort Worth, Texas. We adopted Daniel on September 12, 2007! Now we are waiting for a special child to complete our family.